Things I learn at work

Aruna Maurya
2 min readSep 17, 2021

(yet to do them myself…)

I am sure there are a lot of other things/qualities/awesomeness around me, but these are some that were very blatent and good to have for not just work, but any place you want to make sure you grow and excel. These are like salt and sugar to your food. Trivial but important.

  1. Appreciate: I think this is the most underrated value today, but goes a long way in keeping your peer/teammate/subordinate/senior motivated. Honestly, I have felt a lot more energized and happy when I have been appreciated and valued for the hours I had put in to do a task. This just does not apply to individuals but also when teams as a whole are appreciated for those extra hours and hard work they anyways put in to get work done.
  2. Proactive: This has already been stressed enough number of times, but ask questions, take up responsibility, and volunteer. Volunteer to do stuff that’s new. It might be unknown or you might not know how to do it, but you’ll learn to do it. Do not miss an opportunity to volunteer and share the load of the team.
  3. Dependable: become that person who your team can rely on to get things done. Start small, but seek to solve problems when you see them.
  4. Compassionate: We are all going through tough times, and every day is a bad day for somebody out there. Remember kindness comes back(and so does bad karma;)
  5. Play/Have fun: You might love your job, but while you are at it, don’t forget to give yourself that extra breathing space, just so that you can rock better;)

This list is not exhaustive and I am probably going to keep adding points to this, but for now I guess it’s time to take that break:)

PS: Most of these, or actually all of my learnings are a direct result of relentless observation of my lead(at work), so yeah hoping everyone gets amazing people to work with!

